I'm sure by now you know what the gerund is - it's the -ing form of the verb. But what about the spelling? English spelling can be complicated!
A gerund is the verb+ing form. Normally, it's very easy to make the gerund and there are no irregular verbs. We add 'ing' to the infinitive.
- be → being
- sleep → sleeping
However, there are some spelling changes. When the verb ends with 'e', we usually drop the 'e' before we add 'ing'. There are many, many verbs like this.
- share → sharing
- smile → smiling
- phone → phoning
- use → using
- wake → waking
- write → writing
- serve → serving
- realise → realising
- practise → practising
- move → moving
- live → living
- ignore → ignoring
- invite → inviting
- imagine → imagining
- give → giving
- smoke → smoking
- save → saving
- make → making
- have → having
- take → taking
- arrive → arriving
Sometimes we have to double the last consonant.
- swim → swimming
- run → running
- begin → beginning
- fit → fitting
- forget → forgetting
- get → getting
- hit → hitting
- let → letting
- plan → planning
- prefer → preferring
- put → putting
- set → setting
- sit → sitting
- shut → shutting
- stop → stopping
- travel → travelling
- win → winning
When the verb ends in -ie, we change -ie to -y before we add -ing.
- die → dying
- lie → lying
Let's review!
Spell the gerund correctly.
- share → _____________________________
- put → ______________________________
- plan → _____________________________
- sharing
- putting
- planning